Full 2020-2019 season!

Welcome to Chestnut ! 

You will find below the contents of the 2019-2020 season brochure entitled “8, College Street” (available here in PDF version). Find all the dates and appointments for Beginners, Intermediate and Confirmed dancers as well as the venues of these meetings and the rates. Everything to prepare for the Chestnut’s 11th Costume Ball, Sunday, May 3, 2020! 

Please note: you are welcome to these workshops and courses even if you don’t intend to take part in the May 3 Costume Ball!

N.B.: Prior registration is required for all activities at 01 45 70 83 94 or at contact@chestnut.fr. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

As every year, great attention will be paid to the acquisition of style and the music/dance relationship.

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