English and Renaissance figure dances at Cité Universitaire

Our next workshop for CIUP residents will be held at the Collège Franco-Britannique auditorium, Cité Internationale universitaire de Paris:

0n Tuesday, November 19 at 20 :00 

These workshops prepare for the Costume Ball to be held on May 18, 2014 at Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre at Paris Cité Internationale universitaire.

They are free for all residents of Cité Internationale; just show your card on coming in. Kindly call 01 45 70 83 94 to register, or mail contact@chestnut.fr at the latest one day before the workshop.

Please note that students outside Cité Internationale Universitaire may also take part. Register by Nov. 18 at the latest ( 01 45 70 83 94 or contact@chestnut.fr) and bring your student card.

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