Intensive Spring Workshops 2020

Preparation of the programme (belowfor Chestnut’s 11th Costume Ball, Sunday, May 3, 2020

Please note: you are welcome to attend these courses even if you cannot attend the May 3rd costume ball!

  • Intensive 3-day workshops for INTERMEDIARY-LEVEL  dancers
Monday, April 13, from 10:30 to 16:30
Tuesday, April 14, from 10:30 to 16:30
Wednesday, April 15, from 10:30 to 16:30


All grade 1 and 2 dances taught during the monthly workshops from September to April.

Intermediary-level dances taught : Portsmouth / Joy after Sorrow / Orange Nan / Pavillion’s Waltz / Early Frost / The Slip

(Venue A) Workshop fee : €110/pers. (Mandatory membership fee : €20 + Workshop member fee : €90)


  • Intensive 4-day Workshop for ADVANCED-LEVEL Dancers
Thursday, April 16, from 18:00 to 21:00
Friday, April 17, from 10:30 to 16:30
Saturday, April18, from 10:30 to 16:30
Sunday, April 19, from 10:30 to 16:00.


An intensive workshop to go over the whole Costume Ball programme: grade 1, 2 and 3 dances.

Advanced-level dances taught : Greenwood / Spring Garden / Joy after Sorrow / Orange Nan / La Beaudri (Cotillion) / Pavillion’s Waltz / Theodore / Miss Avril’s Delight / Mr Stapledon’s New Hornpipe / The Slip

(Venue A) Workshop fee : €120/pers. (Mandatory membership fee : €20 + Workshop member fee : €100)


Programme for Chestnut’s 11th Costume ball :


At the beginning  
Greenwood (AL*)
Staines Morris (BL*)
Spring Garden (AL)
Portsmouth (IL*)


The end of the monopoly (end of 17th to 18thcenturies)
Joy after Sorrow (AL+IL)
Orange Nan (AL+IL)
Honeywell Circle (BL)
Miss long’s for it (AL)


From Jane to Victoria (end of 18thcentury to Rengency Period)
Le Carillon de Dunkerque
La Beaudri (cotillon) (AL)
Pavillion’s Waltz (AL+IL)
The Touchstone (BL)
Theodore (AL)


The new choreographers
Miss Avril’s delight (AL)
Rebecca’s Roundabout (BL)
Mr Stapledon’s New Hornpipe (AL)
Early Frost (IL)
The Slip (AL+IL)


*BL: Beginners-Level dance
*IL: Intermediary-Level dance
*AL: Advanced-Level Dance


N.B.: Prior registration is required for all activities at 01 45 70 83 94 or at Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.


A bientôt pour de belles danses !

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