Historical Dances Summer Training Courses 2018

by Chestnut & Fantaisies Baroques 

DSC_6188Chestnut and Fantaisies Baroques welcome you from July 30 to August 4, 2018 to their fourth summer school of period dances in Normandy.




  • Dancing in Europe during the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries (Italian, French and English tradition)
  • Baroque dancesLogo Fantaisies Baroques
  • Jane Austen & Regency dances
  • French 1rst Empire – Restauration dances

With four different subjects and two instructors (Cécile Laye and Irène Feste), you’ll be able to make up your own schedule according to your tastes and how energetic you feel. You may opt for an intensive dance programme, up to 6 hours daily, or choose a mix of workshops and time for resting or for touring the area.

In our workshops, the programme allows for all levels of dancing. Each dancer will be taught variations suitable to his/her possibilities.

Each day will start at 9 a.m. with a half hour of warming up exercises, led by each instructor in turn.


9.00-9.30Warming upWarming upWarming upWarming up
9.45 - 12.45 Dancing in Europe 16th- 17th centuries : Italian, French and English traditions Baroque Dances Dancing in Europe 16th- 17th centuries : Italian, French and English traditions Baroque DancesDancing in Europe 16th- 17th centuries : Italian, French and English traditions Baroque Dances Dancing in Europe 16th- 17th centuries : Italian, French and English traditions Baroque Dances
15.00 - 16.30Jane Austen & Regency Dances French 1rst Empire & Restauration Jane Austen & Regency DancesFrench 1rst Empire & Restauration
17.00 - 18.30French 1rst Empire & RestaurationJane Austen & Regency DancesFrench 1rst Empire & RestaurationJane Austen & Regency Dances
19.15 DinnerDinnerDinnerDinner
21.00Team quiz on dancesFilms Free eveningShow and costume ball including workshop dances. (Please note: costume is not a must.)



  • Dancing in Europe during the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries through the Italian, French and English traditions workshop (3h : 9h45-12h45): Cécile Laye  


The workshop will cover several modern dances. The focus will be on squares for two couples and dances including one or several heys.

France: Les Bouffons, out of Thoinot Arbeau’s Ochésographie (1588), first and third passages.

Italy: Bizarria d’Amore, choreographed by Cesare Negri and published in his 1602 book, Le Gratie d’Amore.

England: Hit and Miss and Parson’s Farewell, dances known at the time of Elisabeth 1st and James 1st, collected by the London publisher John Playford in the 1651 edition of The English Dancing Master.


  • Baroque dances workshop (3 hours: 9:45-12:45): Irène Feste


La Lorraine de Balon, ball dance for one man and one woman, composed on a rigaudon de Provence music. This dance appears in the XVIIth Recueil de danses pour l’année 1719.



  • Jane Austen’s and Regency dances workshop (1h30 : 15h/16h30 or 17h/18h30 on alternate days): Cécile Laye


Some figures were kept through English 17th and 18th century dances, from circles for eight to cotillon, with Newcastle (John Playford,1651) and La Nouvelle Promenade (James Fishar,1775). We’ll see the use of perpendicular lines in both these dances – they also occur in many choreographies of the period.

The workshop will include a proposal for stepping in a longways duple minor set. At the start of the 19th century it became fashionable to use traditional Scottish and Irish steps in longways for as many as will while the figures in longways became much simpler than in earlier times. The stepping proposed will be based on Countess of Yarmouth’s Fancy (Alexander Wells, 1800)


  • French 1rst Empire – Restauration workshop (1h30 : 15h-16h30 or 17h-18h30 on alternate day): Irène Feste 


The Mazurka arranged by Saint Léon for H.R.A. Prince Charles of Württemberg and the Allemande created for the three princesses. These dances made up by Michel Saint Léon, whose son was Arthur Saint Léon, the famous dancer, were meant for the princes and princesses of the Württemberg house to improve their education and enable them to dance at the court balls. During the first third of the 19th century Mazurka was quite fashionable in all great European salons. L’Allemande à trois consists in a series of interweaving movements and figures for which we could make up names, such as arches, rosette, revolving around the sun…


Evening entertaiment will be organized for trainees and instructors to share a good time:

  • Tuesday: team quizz on period dances
  • Wednesday: films
  • Thursday: will be decided by trainees
  • Friday :  Costume Ball including the dances studied in the workshops. (Please note: costume is not a must.)



Cécile LAYE

Cécile Laye studied historical dances in England with Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society, Nonsuch History and Dance and EFDSS (English folk Dance and Song Society). She studied in particular with famous teachers or researchers such as Anne Daye, Anne Cottis, Peggy Dixon, Ethyl Anderson, Marjorie Fennessy, Tom Cook and Alan Davies. In France, she studied under Francine Lancelot, Andréa Francalancci and Barbara Sparti. In 1998 she founded the CHESTNUT company to make available the repertoire of figure dances of the time of the Stuarts and the English inheritance, from a literary and historical point of view, in collaboration with musicians, dancers, actors, singers, horse riders and fencers. She also graduated from Cours Florent in acting and staging.

Irène Feste


After a diploma in ballet dancing, Irène Feste studied « Belle Dance » with  L’Eclat des Muses, a company led by Christine Bayle. In 2007, she founded her own company with Pierre-François Dollé:  Fantaisies Baroques. They design and perform dance/theatre shows in schools and music schools. Irène Feste specialises in baroque and Premier Empire (Napoleonic time) dances, her two main fields of research. She regularly dances with compagnie Divertimenty.


Le Tapis Vert, a residence for artists nestling in a large estate in the Normandie-Maine park, offers several accommodation possibilities on site, from boarding-house to rented rooms and camping. Also on site, two superb halls for activities and a circus tent make for a high quality environment.

TheatreTapis vert 04image003Chap-int 





Tuition prices (€/pers.) : 

1 hour 30 Module : €125

  • French 1rst Empire – Restauration (1h30 in the afternoon)
  • Jane Austen & Regency dances (1h30 in the afternoon)


3 hours Module :  €216

  • Baroque dances (3 hours in the morning)
  • Dancing in Europe 16th & 17th centuries (3 hours in the morning)
  • French 1rst Empire – Restauration + Jane Austen & Regency dances (2 x 1h30 in the afternoon)


4 hours 30 Module : €288

  • Baroque dances (3 hours in the morning) + French 1rst Empire – Restauration or Jane Austen & Regency dances (2 x 1h30 in the afternoon)
  • Dancing in Europe 16th & 17th centuries (3 hours in the morning) + French 1rst Empire – Restauration or Jane Austen & Regency dances (2 x 1h30 in the afternoon)


6 hours Module: €336

  • Baroque dances (3 hours in the morning) + French 1rst Empire – Restauration and Jane Austen & Regency dances (2 x 1h30 in the afternoon)
  • Dancing in Europe 16th & 17th centuries (3 hours in the morning) +French 1rst Empire – Restauration and Jane Austen & Regency dances (2 x 1h30 in the afternoon)


1 hour 30 Module a day€125
3 hours Module a day€216
4 hours 30 Module a day€288
6 hours Module a day€336

Accommodation and meals prices  (€/pers.) :

Please, note : before you fill in your registration form,please check with us calling 01 45 70 83 94 (33 1 45 70 83 94)to find out which type of accommodation is still available.
Room and board: price per person for the whole stay. Single bedroom
(limited number)
For 2 persons: twin bedroom (2 single beds)
Price for each
Room for a couple, with 1 double bed
(price for each person)
Collective bedroom
(price for each person)
(price for each person)
Full board €260€220€204€200€172
Half board€204€164€148€144€116
Nights only (no breakfast)*
* cooking is possible for a limited number of persons: please check with us.


Reaching Tapis Vert

  1. By car

Le Tapis vert is 200 km away from Paris and 130 km away from Rennes.

  1. By train

The nearest train station is Alençon, reached either through Surdon from Paris Montparnasse-Vaugirard or by TGV through Le Mans. Share taxi or car from Alençon station.

A shuttle will be organized to fetch the trainees arrived at the station of Alençon by the train of 4:07 pm. Thank you for indicating us that you will arrive by the train.


Trainees are welcome from 17:00 on July 30, 2018.

Please note : as no evening meal is provided on the first day evening (Monday), please bring a picnic dinner !

Departure on Saturday, August 4 after breakfast.


Please note : before you fill in your registration form, please check with us calling 01 45 70 83 94 (33 1 45 70 83 94) or contacting us at contact@chestnut.fr to find out which type of accommodation is still available.

Registration form here

Payment from abroad : please contact us


contact@chestnut.fr ou 01 45 70 83 94

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