Stage Confirmés 13 janvier The way to MatrimonyWorkshop for Experienced Dancers, January 13, The way to Matrimony
« The way to Matrimony »
Dimanche 13 janvier 2013
Paris 14ème de 10h30 à 17h – Inscription obligatoire au 01 45 70 83 94 ou à, merci.
Ce stage s’adresse à des danseurs confirmés ayant la maîtrise des figures de base et en particulier du processus de la progression dans un longways duple et triple minor set.
Workshop for Experienced Dancers
Sunday, January 13, 2013
« The way to Matrimony »
Paris 14, from 10:30 to 17:00 – To register, please call 01 45 70 83 94 or
, thanks.
Dancers registering for the following workshops must be fully experienced in the basic figures and must master progression in longways duple and triple minor set.
In the early 18th century, the Playford family had long lost its monopoly in publishing country dances and many new collections were published. We’ll see a few dances from that period, some of them revised by modern choreographers
This workshop’s progamme : 3 historical danses and one modern dance on music by Oscar Straus (2 set dances and 2 longways in wich figures 1 triple minor set) : The Gallant Entreprise / Wright (1740) – The Happy Captive / Charles et Samuel Thompson (circa 1770) – Lover’s Luck / Braye ( 1699)- La Ronde de l’Amour / Pat Shaw.
See you soon !