
Marcel E. from Belgium (12/03/2013), on receiving his order : «Thank you so much. I’ve received the parcel. I am delighted to have found your website. Great music, and it is so enjoyable to go through your explanations and information. Yours truly, Marcel. »

Kate G. from New Zealand (21/01/2013) : « …thanks to internet I can watch groups in France and Europe. I notice many of them fail to stress movement quality and an overall flowing impression. Chestnut obviously does. Your work really takes into account the basic requirements of English country dancing, and the result is great to watch. It really inspires one to work towards mastering dances the way you do. I am sending an order for one of your CDs and the leaflet of explanations (Les oubliées)… »

(EN) : articles labeled with (EN) are in English

(FR) : articles labeled with (FR) are in French


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