Mini-stages débutants dimanche 24 février 2013Half-day Workshops for Beginners, February 24, 2013
Nous serons ravis de vous accueillir
le dimanche 24 février pour le sixième des 8 mini-stages du cycle destinés aux Débutants I (matin) et Débutants II & Intermédiaires I (après-midi) à Paris dans le 14ème.
We are delighted to welcome you for the sixth of 8 half-day workshops on Sunday, February 24. Please note the day, Beginners (in the morning), Beginners 2 and Intermediate 1 (in the afternoon) and the venue: Paris 14 (see below). Note that you can access those workshops all through the year, even if you haven’t done the first ones ! (next workshops: March 24, April 21).

Morning workshop for Beginners 1: it will be held at OEPF, 5 rue du Moulin Vert, from10:30 to 13:00 on Sunday, February 24, 2012. Kindly register beforehand : call 01 45 70 83 94 or email
Programme : learning the basic figures used in old, collected and new dances of the English repertoire in longways duple minor set and wholeset dances: promenades, hands four, stars, ladies’ chain, poussette and draw poussette, straight and circular heys, figure eight, half figure eight and progressive figure eight, casting… (next workshops: March 24, April 21).
Afternoon Workshop for Beginners 2 and Intermediate 1: same place, in the afternoon from 14 :00 to 17:00 . Kindly register beforehand : call 01 45 70 83 94 or email
Our programme: starting on English figure dances with several dances out of the first edition of the English Dancing Master (dances with a chorus or alternate chorus / “verse” dances / atypical dances). In particular we’ll see how the invariants (leading / siding / arming) are organized in these dances, with 4 different sequels of simple and double steps. Longways duple and triple minor sets will take us through a few tricky figures (reels – double eight – cast and lead).
Full programme for Beginners 2 and Intermediate 1 – September 30: a dddd structure with Sellenger’s round and The Maid in the Moon / Flowers of Edinburgh. October 21: ddssd-ddssd and ddd-ddd structures with Upon a Summer’s Day and Gathering Peascods / The Princess. November 25: dddd structure, an atypical dance and a verse dance with Hyde Park et Lord of Carnarvon’s Jig / Draper’s Garden.. December 16: ddssd-ddssd structure and verse dances with Lady Spellor and The Night Watch / Hole in the Wall. January 27: the same sequels applied to heys for 3 and 4 dancers with Black Nag and Graies Inne Maske / Draper’s Maggot. February 24: ddssd-ddssd structure applied to another kind of hey with Grimstock / Doway and Nonsuch II. March 24: dddd-ssd-ssd structure with Nonsuch I / Jack’s Maggot. April 21: recapitulation, dances with reels and triple minor set.
Find the full 2012-2013 brochure here !
Visit our website and find more information on our programme here, the agenda here and fees here. If you have questions, call 01 45 70 83 94 or email .
Let’s dance together soon!
Pour participer, merci de bien vouloir vous inscrire au 01 45 70 83 94 ou à